Portable Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers

Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers uses, clean agents, viz. HFC 236, Hfc 227, FM 200 superpressurized with nitrogen. These are light-weight & easy-to-use fire extinguishers which extinguishes fire within a span of 10 seconds only by a combination of chemical & phisical mechanism without effecting the available oxygen.

Types of Fire Extinguishers Manual Automatic
Capacity (Kgs) 1 2 4 6 9 2 5 10
I.S. Specification 15683 15683 15683 15383 15683 - - -
Test Pressure (Kgf/Cm2) 35 35 35 35 35 30 30 30
Bulk Range (m) > 2 2 3 3 4 2m2/3.5m3 4m2/8m3 8m2/15m3
Discharge Time (s) > 8 8 10 17 23 - - -
Fire Rating 1A&8B 1A&8B 1A&13B 2A&21B 3A&34B - - -
Temperature Range -3000C to + 5500C - - - - - -

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